Contemporary Furniture Store
The popularity rise of modern styles in furniture has made it easier to find contemporary pieces. With the abundance of modern furniture, why should you make a special trip into contemporary furniture stores? The stores are full of unique styles, knowledgeable sales people and the furniture uses unusual materials that aren't found in traditional furniture pieces.
Unique Styles Found At Contemporary Furniture Stores
Contemporary furniture stores are full of unique furniture that can't be found anywhere else. You'll find furniture that is simple, yet sophisticated. If you're looking for a sleek sofa or an unusual television stand, look no further than a store that specializes in contemporary furniture. You'll be able to furnish your home with a look that you won't find in anyone else's house.
Unusual Materials
Contemporary furniture often uses materials not found in traditional designs. It's not uncommon to find furniture made from teak wood or sofas made from an unusual leather or fabric. The beauty of modern furniture is in the design and materials.
Beds often forgo the normal metal bed frame and bulky box spring. Instead the mattress is placed directly on a platform. This creates a beautiful, streamlined look that modernizes any bedroom.
Less Is More
While traditional furniture can be ornate and heavy, contemporary furniture is modern and sleek. Many people think contemporary furniture is cold and uncomfortable, but it doesn't have to be. Instead you can find pieces that take the comfort of traditional furniture with the style of contemporary pieces.
Make sure to try out the furniture when visiting stores that specialize in contemporary furniture. Don't be afraid to stretch out and relax when searching for a recliner, or sit at a dining room set. You want to make sure you'll want to actually use the furniture instead of just looking at it every day.
The Designer Touch
Often, contemporary furniture stores are smaller than the big national chains and have the ability to hire more than just salespeople to assist their customers. Many times the salespeople will have extensive knowledge about modern furniture trends and styles and will be able to help coordinate pieces if you're unsure about what matches. If you're trying to update the look of a room by adding to existing furniture, bring in a photo and they'll be able to help you find something.
Also, the salespeople are often furniture designers themselves. If you can't find what you like, let them know. They may be able to design exactly what you're looking for. Many will even design furniture around an item, like a painting or vase. Let them know if you've got something to use for inspiration and see what your designer comes up with.
Visiting contemporary furniture stores is a great start towards updating the look of your home. Whether you're looking to immediately purchase a furniture piece, or if you're just trying to find some ideas for a future purchase, a contemporary furniture store can be a great place to start.
About the Author: Jon Buschlen is an avid shopper of Miami furniture stores and writes for ScanDesign. With furniture stores in Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville and other locations throughout the state of Florida, ScanDesign has been providing modern furniture solutions since 1969.
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Contemporary Furniture Store
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Contemporary Furniture - 4 Ways it Differs From the Rest (Contemporary Furniture Store)
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